ID 原文 译文
3751 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 避免用未洗过的手接触眼口鼻。
3752 Avoid close contact 避免近距离接触
3753 Avoid close contact with people who are sick Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. 避免与病人近距离接触 如果COVID-19正在您的社区中传播,请与他人保持一定的距离。
3754 This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick. 这对于患重病的风险较高的人群尤为重要。
3755 Take steps to protect others 保护他人的措施有:
3756 Stay home if you’re sick 生病后请待在家中
3757 Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. 如果您已生病,请待在家中,除非需要外出接受医学护理。
3758 Learn what to do if you are sick. 了解生病后应该做什么。
3759 Cover coughs and sneezes 咳嗽及打喷嚏时掩住口鼻
3760 Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. 当您咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾或肘部内侧掩住口鼻。